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The Barelas neighborhood got its start as a 17th century colonial settlement»

April 2, 2022 | Albuquerque Journal – A drive through Barelas reveals vibrantly painted murals, narrow streets lined with shotgun houses in various stages of aging next to new adobe homes and storefronts that once served as service stations. People on bicycles or on foot are a common sight. Tucked away at the intersection of Barelas Road and Hazeldine Avenue is the community center citizens united to build in the 1940s. It’s also home to the ABQ BioPark Zoo, the revered Barelas Coffee House, the National Hispanic Cultural Center and the Albuquerque Rail Yards. People usually place the neighborhood under the South Valley umbrella, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. Barelas has deep cultural roots that flow all the way back to the time of the conquistadors.